Friday |  | Partly Cloudy;20%chnce of shwers | High: 30oC/86oF | Low : 22oC/72oF | Sunrise:6:19 am | Sunset :6:21 pm | Wind: ESE at 17 km/h or 10mph |
| Saturday |  | Partly Cloudy;20%chnce of shwr | High: 30°C/86oF | Low : 22oC/72oF | Sunrise:6:18 am | Sunset :6:21 pm | Wind: ESE at 15km/h or 9 mph |
| Sunday |  | Partly Cloudy;40% chnce fo late PM shwr | High: 30oC/86°F | Low : 22oC/72oF | Sunrise:6:18 am | Sunset :6:21 pm | Wind: E at 13km/h or 8 mph |
| Monday |  | Mostly cloudy;60%chnce of shwr | High: 30oC/86oF | Low : 22oC/72oF | Sunrise:6:17 am | Sunset :6:21 pm | Wind: E at 13km/h or 8 mph |