Wednesday | | Mostly sunny skies | High: 34oC/93oF | Low : 25oC/77oF | Sunrise:5:55 am | Sunset :6:06 pm | Wind: E at 6 to 14 MPH |
| Thursday | | Mostly sunny with a 10 percent or slight chance of showers | High: 34°C/93oF | Low : 25oC/77oF | Sunrise:5:56 am | Sunset :6:05 pm | Wind: VRB at 2 to 9 MPH |
| Friday | | Mostly sunny with a 10 percent or slight chance of showers | High: 34oC/93°F | Low : 25oC/77oF | Sunrise:5:56 am | Sunset :6:04 pm | Wind: VRB at 2 to 9 MPH |
| Saturday | | Partly sunny with a 30 percent or low chance of showers | High: 34oC/93oF | Low : 25oC/77oF | Sunrise:5:56 am | Sunset :6:03 pm | Wind: VRB at 2 to 9 MPH |